Create More Meaningful Relationships

Relationships are the currency of life. They get us through tough times, make great times enjoyable, and are the glue that holds us all together. Without them, we would not be able to lead truly fulfilling lives. But how do we make more meaningful connections? Here are a few ways: 

Go Deep

So many relationships never surpass the surface level conversations that so many of us are accustomed to. If you want to connect on a deeper level, ditch the small talk and go deep. Have more conversations about life and what is important to the other person so you can get to know them on a deeper level.

 Get Curious

curiosity is the one thing that creates connected relationships that last. Get curious about what they like, what they’re passionate about, what there favourite food is, and anything else that is important to them. This allows you to get to know them on a much deeper level resulting in a much more meaningful relationship.

Find True Common Ground

All people are drastically different. But odds are that there are a few places where you can find common ground with the other person. Find common interests, hobbies, passions, or anything that can make you more relatable. Commonality builds rapport, and rapport leads to lasting relationships. 

Be the Champion of Everyone’s Story

Everyone loves the person that supports everyone around them. Go to your friends event that means a lot to them, get excited about their new idea, support them in their new fitness goals, and be their biggest fan in whatever they do. 

Give Give Give

Relationships are not a place to take, they are a place to give. Give your time, give your energy, and give your presence so that you’re their physically and emotionally there for whatever they need. When you give without expecting to receive, you receive more than you can ever imagine. 

We all strive to have more meaningful connections with the people around us. Relationships are what make life worth while. Practice these few principles to take your relationships to the next level and to live a truly fulfilled life.