How to Tap Into Creativity

Doodle/ Abstract Draw 

It sounds crazy, I know, but studies show that doodling will actually improve your mental focus and open your mind to new ideas. Stuck in a creative rut? Doodle away! 

Do Something You Have Never Done Before

It’s easy to fall into the same old pattern. Creativity is at an all time high when we are experiencing something new for the first time. Take up a new sport, join some sort of class, or do something you aren’t used to doing. 

Environment is Everything

There is something to be said about where you are working, exercising, hanging out, and relaxing. There are places that can inspire you to work and other places that put you to sleep. Make sure you create an environment that supports creativity. 

Don’t be Afraid to Fail

Failure is a necessary piece of creativity. Failure actually promotes creativity because it forces you to find another way. Every failure you have is just an opportunity to get creative and find another way to make it happen.

Move Your Body

Whether it’s taking a walk from your desk or going to the gym to get a workout in, physical exercise stimulates the brain and allows you to think more clearly and freely. Make sure you take at least 20 minutes a day to move and engage your body. 

Surround Yourself With Creative People

You are who you surround yourself with. Make sure to surround yourself with people that regularly practice their creativity. If you have a hard time finding others that are creative, join a class such as art, pottery, improv, poetry, or anything that will get you in the space with creative people.

These are all easy and fun ways to tap into your creative side and let your imagination take control. In the world we live in, creativity is an extremely valuable tool for personal growth and overall happiness – make sure you use it!