The Power of Music

Music has a certain power over our emotions. It can take us back to a memory of the past, remind us of a specific situation, and even cause us to feel emotions that we have associated to the music – both good and bad. Music can inspire us, frustrate us, and make us feel better (or worse) instantly. We can use music to free our minds and get us into flow or shut the world out and build a wall around our emotions – the choice is up to us.  Here Are The 5 Key Benefits of Music:

1.) It Acts as a Great Pain Killer

There have been multiple studies done in which surgery patients saw a 2x – 4x decrease in regards to their post-surgical pain. Music triggers a different part of your brain which takes the focus away from the pain receptors in the brain. Want to take the edge off? Throw on your favourite song! 

2.) It Relieves Stress and Anxiety 

Relaxing music steadies your heart rate and decreases your blood pressure – two things directly related to elevated levels of stress. Music allows you to slow down and calms your entire system both inside and out. Next time you’re feeling a little on edge, put on some of your favourite relaxing music and breathe deep – you will be surprised to see what happens! 

3.) It Makes You Happier

Music stimulates the same “pleasure centre” in the brain that is triggered by laughter and delicious food. Aside from it triggering the part of your brain responsible for pleasure, it also can bring you back to a moment of pure bliss just by listening to a few seconds of the anchored song. 

4.) It Helps You Work Better

Since music has been proven to have calming effects on the body, it allows you to get into a flow of working much easier. When you freely and solve problems more effectively. 

5.) Makes You More Creative

When listening to music, your brain starts to put the pieces together to complete the picture of what you’re listening to. Some associate certain visuals, emotions, or even scents to a song they hear which makes them use the right side of their brain – the hub of creativity. Music literally puts you in a creative state of mind to be able to create ideas on a greater scale. 

Whether you want to reduce stress, get over anxiety, or just have even more happiness on a daily basis, start incorporating music into your daily routine. Ideally, look for classical, calming music between 60 BPM (beats per minute) and 140 BPM. This will stimulate the rhythm of your heart beat and starting the relaxation process immediately.