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Become an AMAZING Public Speaker

Public speaking is something that a lot of people fear; sometimes even more than death! But it is such an important tool that people forget to practice. Learning how to be a great public speaker can raise your confidence and have people be naturally drawn to you. The following are just a few tips that you can use to take your speaking skills to the next level!    

1.)  BREATHE         

This is something that a lot of people forget when they get in front of a group to speak. Always remember to Breathe. This makes you seem more relaxed while at the same time making you slow down (a lot of people have a tendency to speak fast to ‘get it over with’) 

2.)  Focus on Your Audience            

The main reason people get nervous in front of an audience is because they are focusing on themselves. The quickest way to crush the nerves is by fully focusing on your audience. If you are constantly thinking about them, you have no time to think about how you’re doing.

3.) Tell Stories 

Stories connect you with your audience. Telling stories is the number one way to engage any audience you’re speaking to. Tell funny, sad, emotional, or intense stories so that you can have your audience on the edge of their seats. 

4.) They Want to Get to Know YOU

People want you to get personal. Tell a personal story that shows people into your life. To really connect with an audience, people have to get to know you. And the quickest way to do that is to let them in through a personal story.  

5.) Have Fun!

When the speaker is having a great time, odds are the audience is also having a good time. Laugh at your own jokes, smile to the people watching, and have fun with it! The most memorable speakers are the ones that are able to have fun on stage.  

6.) Use Your Body

The way you use your body accounts for 55% of your communication. That being said, move around the stage, use your gestures, use various facial expressions, and use your body to showcase the stories you tell. Make it fun, make it engaging, and get into it!

Learning to become a powerful speaker is one of the best ways to improve your confidence, relationships, and overall communication skills. Apply these tools to your next presentation or even when you’re with someone 1-on-1 to take your speaking and communication skills to the next level.