Benefits of Eating Green

We’ve all heard the importance of eating more greens. Many will say that incorporating greens into your daily lifestyle is essential in leading in a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the top benefits of living a ‘Green’ Lifestyle:

Increase Energy

Greens are of the top foods you can have to increase you energy levels. They are easy to digest and provide your body with the proper balance of nutrients to perform at an optimal level. Eat more greens and watch your energy go through the roof.  

Minerals & Nutrients

Eating green foods provide your body with all of the necessary nutrients to lead a healthy lifestyle. The most essential nutrients found in greens include  calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B, C, E, and K. 

Optimal Immune System

Eating Greens will keep your Immune system running at an optimal level and will drastically reduce your risk of harmful illnesses such as Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Disease. Want to reduce your chances of getting sick? Eat more greens!

Alkalize & Hydrate

Greens are the most effective type of foods to Alkalize your body, keeping your PH at a healthy and stable level. Greens are also some of the most water rich foods that are out there. If you want to stay hydrated, eat water rich green foods. 

The food we put into our bodies act as the fuel for us to be able to go through life. If you want to experience life with an optimal level of energy, a strong immune system, and a disease free body, incorporate more greens into your daily lifestyle.