Benefits of a Smoothie Reset

Here at Multi-Languages, we are always trying to find new ways to take our Health to the next level. When we find new strategies we get so excited to share it with you! We have recently come across the amazing benefits of doing a smoothie reset day. You can join our Facebook Group or simply do it on your own. 

Gives your Metabolism a Break

When you are constantly giving your body food, your body is forced to break down that food and convert it to energy. Doing a weekly smoothie day gives your body a chance to rest from having to break down foods and allows your metabolism to have a quick reset.

Cleanses your System

When you only have liquids for the day, your body will naturally cleanse a lot of the built up toxins that come with the food you eat. In just one day, you can flush out a significant amount that your body otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to fully break down and digest properly. 

A Mental Reset

Not only is a smoothie day good for a metabolism reset, it is also a great mental reset. It clears your mind from the constant thought of “when’s the next meal?” Instead, it allows you to clear your mind and focus on the things you need to give energy to – all while having a delicious shake!

Healthy Start to the Week

The truth is, when we eat healthier, we tend to make healthier choices moving forward. By starting your week off with a smoothie reset day, you will make different decisions throughout the rest of the week in terms of what you put in your body and are more conscious of what will give you energy. 

There are many things that we can do to lead a healthy lifestyle. Deciding to incorporate a smoothie reset day into your lifestyle will add to your journey of living a healthy & energy rich life. Try it out for yourself and see the amazing benefits that doing a Reset day creates.