How to Improve your Sleep

“Healthy sleep is absolutely essential to a brain healthy life. Sleep rejuvenates all the cells in your body, gives brain cells a chance to repair themselves, and helps wash away toxins that build up during the day.”

Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each day, including on weekends.

Don’t take naps! This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you have trouble sleeping. Daytime naps will make the night-time sleep cycle disruption worse.

Create a soothing night-time routine. A warm bath, meditation, or massage can help you relax.

Pay attention to your environment.  Your bedroom should be comfortable. Control the temperature so that your room isn’t too hot or too cold.

Use sound therapy. Soothing nature sounds, soft music, wind chimes, white noise makers or even a fan can induce a very peaceful mood and lull you to sleep.

Avoid a full stomach. Don’t eat for at least two to three hours before going to bed.

Watch out for stimulants. Don’t drink any caffeinated beverages and avoid chocolate, nicotine, and alcohol in the late afternoon or evening.