Mastering Time and Efficiency

The New Year is a time where people set out to crush their goals and achieve what they’ve always wanted. But the sad truth is that 92% of people that set out to achieve their New Years Resolutions fail to achieve them. How do we become the 8% of people who succeed in their 2017 goals? Here’s how:

Failure is Your Friend

Just because you missed one day of working out or one morning of waking up early, doesn’t mean your New Years Resolution is a failure. Failure is a necessary part in the achievement of any goal. Embrace failure and keep pushing forward through the setbacks. 

Expand Your Vision

Many people see the short term gain of their New Years goal instead of the long term result. When we focus on instant gratification, it often leads to procrastination and frustration. Set your sights on your long term vision and get inspired by the big picture. 

Build a Team 

Who you surround yourself with is who you will become. Build a team of people that will not only support you in your goals, but will also push you to get back on track. Having a group of people that holds you to high standards of accountability is one of the key pieces of achievement. 

Take Consistent Small Actions

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was any substantial amount of success. Great things take time. Great things also take small consistent actions done over an extended period of time. Daily actions done with enough consistency will build momentum and drive you towards your goals. 

Celebrate Every Win

Celebrating your wins, no matter how small, builds the momentum you need to breakthrough. When we celebrate our victories, we get a little boost of dopamine (the ‘feel good’ chemical) which tells our brains that we are on the right track. 

Enjoy The Journey

To experience lasting achievement, we must learn to enjoy the journey. At times, people forget to focus on what they can enjoy and eventually lose momentum. Look for the things you can enjoy and focus on all of the things you can appreciate about your journey. 

Realize that whatever you wish to achieve in 2017 is within reach. Everything you want is out there for you to take, all it takes is action. Push forward towards the things that you want and don’t settle by being a part of the 92%. Be a part of the 8% who don’t make quitting an option and make success the only option.