Pursuit of Happiness

It’s the one thing that everyone strives to obtain. Everyone wants to experience happiness but what really makes us happy? That’s the thing, it’s different for everyone. But there are some commonalities that apply to everyone. Here are the top 5: 


To be happy, we must feel that we are progressing in some area of our lives. If you feel yourself being in a slump, find an area of your life where you can grow and act on it. Take a fitness class, read a book, or do something that will move you forward. 


Your environment is everything. To be truly happy, you have to surround yourself with an environment that will promote good feelings. Join groups, go to events, and constantly put yourself out there to be able to surround yourself with great energy. 


When we are feeling a lack of joy, a lot of times it is because we feel there is a lack of something in our lives. When we appreciate all of the amazing things we have, it changes our perspective from one of expectation to one of appreciation. 


It is impossible to have a feeling of lack when in a state of gratitude. It is impossible to feel fearful, angry, or any other negative emotion when being grateful. Get in the habit of practicing gratitude every morning so that you can start your day off on the right foot. 


Having nothing to move towards is one of the biggest reasons for lack of motivation. Having a purpose helps to drive you towards achieving the things you want. Happiness is rooted in progress and the key to progress is having a purpose. Get a strong enough why and go after it.

Happiness isn’t a science, it’s an art. Implement these 5 strategies to instantly feel more energized and joyful today!