The Power of Smiling

Whether it is natural or forced, smiling has amazing benefits when it comes to your happiness, stress levels, and overall well being. It can change your mood in an instant and have a positive impact on your immune system. The following are some reasons as to why you should smile more often: 

Smiling Releases Endorphins (one of the ‘feel good’ chemicals) in the brain that makes you feel better instantly.

It’s contagious! Seeing just one person smiling activates a certain part of your brain which controls facial movement and makes you smile. 

Lowers stress and anxiety. Studies show that it can actually reduce heightened heart rate and calm you down. 

Studies have shown that smiling makes you more attractive to the people you are smiling to.

It strengthens your immune system and promotes the healthy flow of blood throughout the body.

You will do better in your career.People want to work with people that are warm and inviting and a smile does just that. 

You will come off as more trustworthy to the people you interact with. 

You will be a better leader. People want to follow someone who is inviting and charismatic. The was you show that is through your smile.

You will be more confident. Smiling is one of the #1 signs of someone who is confident. Want more confidence? Start by smiling. 

It acts as a natural painkiller.